A guide to European funding programmes for cultural tourism initiatives
SmartCulTour webinar
28 February 2023 / 13:00 – 15:00 (CET)
Cultural tourism has much potential for the socio-economic development of European regions due to its widespread dispersion and diverse nature, covering tangible assets as well as local ways of life, gastronomy, agricultural practices, etc. Notwithstanding, development potential often needs investments in order to fully leverage the opportunities. Funding instruments can be found on both regional, national and European level. Focussing on the latter, the EU offers a variety of potential instruments, each having different prerequisites and holding advantages and disadvantages. This webinar is specifically aimed at local administrations (municipalities, regional DMOs, etc.) and NGOs to provide an overview of the varied range of European subsidy programmes, while also offering testimonials and best practices for proposal writing and project preparation

Bart Neuts
Bart Neuts is affiliated to the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of KU Leuven (Belgium) where he is project coordinator of the SmartCulTour project, as well as consultant on developing measurement instruments for the concept of “the flourishing destination” for Visit Flanders. He is also involved in teaching at the Master in Tourism programme of KU Leuven. His main area of expertise is in tourism externalities and sustainable development, specifically focused on social carrying capacity studies in urban environments.

Kaatje Gevaert
Kaatje Gevaert is liaison officer European grants and funding at VLEVA (the Flemish European Liaison Agency). At VLEVA she guides Flemish stakeholders through the European funding landscape and helps to find the right funding channel. She gained her experience at the Province of West Flanders as project manager for Interreg Flanders-Netherlands and more recently as staff member for European programmes

Wiljan van Laarhoven
Wiljan van Laarhoven is a funding expert and owner of Promint Projectmanagement. Wiljan is an internationally operating consultant, experienced in preparing and managing (EU) funded projects for governments, non-profit organisations and businesses for 25 years. Wiljan studied tourism (policy and management) at BUAS, Breda University of Applied Sciences in Breda (NL). His work focuses on EU-priorities and challenges like sustainable tourism but also on topics like climate change, circularity and innovation. Wiljan has worked with industry and policymakers in many cross border European funded projects and has recently developed several Tourism related project focusing on overtourism (Interreg cross border program Flanders-The Netherlands and Interreg Europe).

Leonie Hehn
Leonie Hehn is a Project Manager specialised in European Funds at the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. She is currently coordinating two COSME projects providing business support for the digital and sustainability transition in the tourism sector. She is experienced in several EU funding programmes in terms of project proposal development and their technical, financial, and administrative management and implementation. Her academic background relates to Political Sciences and Public Administration as well as International Relations and European Integration.

Jelena Petrov
Jelena Petrov is a seasoned professional with 15+ years of experience in strategic planning, local/regional development, and project management. She has excellent knowledge of European policies, particularly CAP, cohesion, and environmental policy. Jelena is highly skilled in projects related to environmental issues and green transition and has worked in various EU-funded programmes.

Alun Jones
Alun Jones leads the International Projects Department at CIHEAM Zaragoza. He has over 20 years of experience in communications, public affairs and outreach teams at the European and international level. He is presently leading the H2020 Projects activities at CIHEAM Zaragoza which includes the SmartCulTour project.
Opening and introduction
Bart Neuts
Navigating the European subsidy landscape
Kaatje Gevaert
Preparing project proposals for Interreg
Wiljan van Laarhoven
COSME funding for regional sustainable tourism and SME support
Leonie Hehn
ERDF, ESF and Interreg in the agro sector: opportunities and limitations
Jelena Petrov
Conclusions and closing
Alun Jones